


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

AMIQ Health Care Centre

Powered by AMIQ Health Care Services Pvt Ltd.

5 Years of Serving and Spreading Smiles. 

“Advance Modalities for Integrative Quality Health Care”

Advanced Techniques

Here, At AMIQ Health Care Centre we use Advanced techniques with Ayurvedic Supplements to help the patient fight with the diseases.


Our Therapies and Supplements are much affordable and pocket friendly. So, that the person should not look away for getting cured.

Trusted by 500+

We are proud that AMIQ Health Care Centre has crossed 500+ Patients. And this Data is increasing day by day.

No Side Effects

In our past 5 Years of Service, we never had even a single complaint of Side Effect from our Therapies and Suppliments.